Office Mulekano; M.Inst.Agrar., B.Inst.Agrar., B.Sc., Dip.
Mr. Office Mulekano, the founder of AES Ltd. is the current chairperson of the board of trustees. He also holds the positions of Director and Principal Consultant. Trained in Sustainable plant genetic resources management, Mr. Mulekano specialized in plant improvement and seed systems. He has worked for tertiary educational, research and profit-oriented institutions where he held technical positions of Chief Technician, Plant Breeder, Seed Systems Specialist and Leader of Training Programs as well as management positions. He has also worked for projects implemented by high profile NGOs funded by USAID, UKAID, DFID GIZ, EU, CDI and SADC. Notable projects of significant impact include ‘Increasing Malawi’s Regional Trade and Export Earnings’, ‘Alternative Financing Mechanisms for Improved Access to Farm Inputs’, Seed Quality Assessment for Malawi Oil Seed Sector Transformation’, ‘Accelerating Adoption of Agronomic Technologies in an Integrated Farmers’ Outreach Program’, ‘Harmonization of SADC Seed Regulations’. Following his passion for his career, Mr. Mulekano turned out to be an accomplished trainer and marketer of agricultural technologies. His career profile shows he has registered new crop varieties, established seed production and delivery systems, mounted new technology advocacy campaigns, designed information platform for seed demand and other numerous accomplishments.